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Mr. Xiaoqing Wang, senior partner of Jiangsu Nankunlun Law Firm, senior lawyer. He graduated from Jiangsu University in July, 1993 as an undergraduate with a LL.B degree majoring Commercial Law. He passed bar examination in 1993 and has been practicing law since then. From July 1996 to July, he attended Intensive Foreign-related Legal English Training Course organized by Ministry of Justice. In July, 2003, he was sent by Jiangsu Bar Association to University of Canberra in Australia to pursue a LL.M of International Commercial Law. In July, 2004, he returned back with the degree. As a member of Lord Chancellor’s Training Scheme For Young Chinese Lawyers from 2005 to 2006, he was sponsored by Britain to receive one year training of English-American legal system in Britain and Hongkong. During which, he received theory training in London University and practice training in DLA( one of leading global law firms) and ESSEX COURT(famous British barrister chamber). From 2007 to 2008, as a visiting scholar of Advanced Lawyers Development Program (USA), he received training on anti-dumping, anti-subsidy and safeguard measures in University of Maryland in USA and WSGR(one of American leading law firms).
He enjoys long time overseas study and work experience and has been practicing in the fields of foreign-related legal affairs and corporate law. Presently, he acts as the chief legal counselors for many large-scale enterprises in Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Province and other areas.
He is a National Leading Talent Of Lawyers Specializing In Foreign-related Legal Affairs and a Provincial Leading Talent Of Lawyers Specializing In Foreign-related Legal Affairs in Jiangsu Province, was awarded the honors as Jiangsu Excellent Lawyer with Merit Citation Class II, Jiangsu Excellent Young Lawyer, one of Top Ten Lawyers Specializing In Foreign-related Legal Affairs in Jiangsu Province , Zhenjiang Excellent Lawyer and one of Ten Personages for Rule of Law in Zhenjiang. Currently, he is a director of Jiangsu Bar Association, Vice-director of Foreign-related Affairs Committee of Jiangsu Bar Association, Vice-Chairman of Zhenjiang Bar Association,a mediator of Mediation Center of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade(CCPIT)/China Chamber of International Commerce(CCOIC), an arbitrator of Nanjing Arbitration Commission, a fellow researcher of Jiangsu One Belt One Road Legal Service and Research Center, an arbitrator of Nanjing Arbitration Commission , an arbitrator of Zhenjiang Arbitration Commission.
王小清律师,江苏南昆仑律师事务所高级合伙人,高级律师。该律师于1993年7月毕业于江苏大学经济法本科,并获法学学士学位。同年取得律师资格并执业至今。 1996年7月至1997年7月参加司法部涉外法律英语强化培训班培训。2003年7月由江苏省律师协会选派至国立澳大利亚堪培拉大学攻读国际经济法硕士学位,2004年7月学成回国。该律师为2005-2006年度中国青年律师赴英培训项目成员,由英方全额资助在英国及香港接受为期一年的英美法培训,其中理论培训在伦敦大学进行,实务培训在DLA律师事务所(全球最大的律师事务所之一)与ESSEX COURT(英国著名的国际诉讼律师行之一)进行。2007年-2008年做为江苏省首届涉外高级律师人才赴美培训项目成员, 在美国马里兰大学及WSGR律师事务所(美国最大的律师事务所之一)接受 “两反一保”培训。
该律师为全国涉外律师领军人才、江苏省涉外律师领军人才,曾被评为 “江苏省优秀律师”并记二等功、“江苏省优秀青年律师”、“江苏省十佳涉外律师”、“镇江市优秀律师”、镇江市“十大法制人物”。现担任江苏省律师协会理事、江苏省律协涉外业务委员会副主任、镇江市律师协会副会长、中国国际贸易促进委员会/中国国际商会调解中心调解员、江苏省“一带一路”法律服务研究中心研究员、南京仲裁委员会与镇江仲裁委员会仲裁员等职。
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